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ponder 5

Bore da pawb sy'n darllen y post yma, Today we have to answer a very hard one. Would you rather fly or
read minds? I think I would rather be able to read minds because you could tell if someone is lying or 
not and It would be useful to be able to tell if someone is guilty for a crime. So what was your anwer?
Blog ya later 


Bore da, I think the hardest thing about being a kid is that you can’t cant really get money fast. For example  Say I wanted the brand new Nintendo oled model but I only have $20 and the switch is $500 But I only 5 dollars a week from doing chores If I was an adult I could get a job to get the money faster.   What was your Answer? BLOG U LATER MATE


Would you rather


Bore da, Today were are going to decide water or fire.

I think I would control rather control Water because you would be able to breathe under water and would be able to put fire out with the water.  What would you do? Blog ya later



Ponder time🧐

Bore da, Today we have to answer what subjects would be useful as an adult. I think reading writing and math’s would be the most needed.

I think Computer would be really useful because we will be using computers. What do you think you will be using in the future? whats your favorite subject right know? 

 Hello fellow readers, My name is Leo and today we are going to do would you rather
I would rather be the strongest because if you were fast you would go so fast that you would catch fire! 
What would you do? blog ya later

read down here and read in a different language!

Helo gyd-ddarllenwyr, Leo yw fy enw i a heddiw rydyn ni'n mynd i wneud a fyddai'n well gennych chi
Byddai'n well gen i fod y cryfaf oherwydd pe baech chi'n gyflym byddech chi'n mynd mor gyflym fel y byddech chi'n mynd ar dân!
Beth fyddech chi'n ei wneud? blogiwch chi nes ymlaen

Puzzle ponder

HELLO FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS, I think you become an adult at about 21 because that’s when you are responsible enough to live on your own. Here are some more reasons:

  • You would have learnt alot about politics and understand how all of the business works
  • You can have your full drivers license
  • You have graduated high school and you can go to uni or do something like travel the world
  • You would have grown to be mature enough to own a house and be married

What do you think? Hope you like this post and the image is bellow. If you can please click the follow button Up the top!